Cambodia – Day 4 – Transition

Well it appears that our time by the sea is coming to a close.  Throughout the year leading up to this SE Asia adventure, we had often overlooked the enjoyment that we’d get staying in Sihanoukville.  Sitting on the beach and swimming in the warm waters of the Pacific was merely a strategic plan for resting and recovering from any ill effects of flying for 24 hours.  As it turns out, this leg of the trip will certainly resonate as happy memories.

I unintentionally awoke extra early this particular morning.  It did provide an opportunity to capture some more quiet photos.




Exploring down the beach just beyond the Otres 2 resort area, I had found another world.  Much like most tourist areas, we only get to see the facade which always appears clean, friendly, and inviting.  Behind the scenes or around the corner often present a different reality.  On this particular walk, I strolled into what seemed to be a seaside garbage dump.  Trash of all kinds (mostly discarded water bottles) were strewn about as though they belonged there.  I’m certain that most of it had been delivered by the tides.  It saddened me a little to see such a negative bi-product of man polluting a paradise such a this.

A few dilapidated houses also sat along a small river which emptied right into the sea about 1/2 mile from our resort.  It seemed obvious that those who lived there scavenged to help make ends meet and they took no more than what was useful.



Enjoying our last hours of serenity on the beach, we remembered we had a promise to fullfil.  Hang was a 10 year old boy in the body of a 5 year old and he sold bracelets, headbands and such.  And this kid was sharp!  We’d pinky promised a few days earlier that we would buy something and he wouldn’t let us forget.  We pick out a few things and then negotiated a price.  We played rock, paper, scissors to fine tune how much I would pay, and this kid smoked me in 4 straight rounds; I’m certain that I overpaid significantly.






With this phase of our trip completed, we took a tuk tuk to the Sihanoukville airport in order to catch a plane to Siem Reap.  I took a few photos to help show a truer representation of how many here lived.





For the short 40 minute flight, we had hoped that it was a prop plane and that we’d be surrounded by goats and chickns.  I guess you could say we were a little dispointed.



We would just like to say, The Golden Temple Hotel knows what customer service is all about.  Upon arrival, they asked us to sit on long comfortable couches while the took care of our reservation.  They then brought us ice cold wash clothes, iced green tea and Khmer style peanuts.  Then came the fresh fruit, sticky rice and complementary beverage.  Before escorting us to our room they presented us each with a traditional scarf as a gift.




Following a quick shower, Beth and I ventured a few blocks into the center of the city in search of the Night Market and Pub Street.  Within a few minutes we immersed in a world of food, booze, music and fun.  Restaurants and bars lined the street; food vendors of all sorts sat on sidewalks and curbs.  Although intrigued, we didn’t muster the courage to try any of the fried grasshoppers, crickets, roaches or tarantula.  It’s important to leave some experiences for a return trip.





Although more time is necessary to explore the markets and Pub Street, rest was also needed for tomorrow we conquer the temples!

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2 thoughts on “Cambodia – Day 4 – Transition”

  1. I envy you. I will make it to one of the SEAsian countries one day. But first my #1 item on my bucket list. Next year.

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