About Us


About Chris:chris

I am husband, father, and self-employed CPA.  I received a Master’s degree in accounting in 2000, but my undergraduate degree is in medical laboratory science.  Ha, one might say there is an identity issue.  Hobbies?  Well, I’m a pilot, poker player, runner, bicyclist and motorcyclist.  But because I tend to have an “all-or-nothing” personality, anything I do can be an obsession or an afterthought.  I’m not really a big fan of reading, but I’m kind of enjoying doing a little writing.  That said, Our-Extraordinary-Ordinary-Life seems to be my current obsession.

About Beth:


Beth doesn’t like to write about herself.

About Us:


We met at Oakland University back in 1990 (I think?) through mutual friends.  We developed a strong friendship long before things got romantic — best friends.  We bought a house, got married and had two amazing kids who still do us proud.  Over the years we had learned that we are practically the same person.  Although we don’t share the same level of passion for things such as flying, we almost always would rather be doing something together.

One thing we are equally passionate about is travel.  Full blown wanderlust!  From our first trip to Europe back in the 90’s, to many cruises in the Caribbean, to our most recent adventure in Cambodia, we can’t seem to get enough.  We waste countless hours planning, researching, and scheduling our next vacation.  In our opinion, it is best to have the next trip scheduled before you return from the current one.  Gradually we have adopted the philosophy that shared experiences are far more valuable than tangible things.  How often does one reminisce about that amazing leather couch from 10 years ago?   With that said, experiences don’t always have to be as amazing as climbing the Eiffel Tower or exciting as jumping out of an airplane.  Simple things are good too:  trying a new restaurant, going to the theater with friends, or catching a new sunset.  We really try to make the effort to appreciate the experiences as they come.  And it is the experiences that make up the scenery on the journey through life.

Our-Extraordinary-Ordinary-Life is about our journey.

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