Cambodia – Day 0.

Our long anticipated day had finally arrived.   What had seemed so far in the future was now upon us.


Let the adventure begin!


Having been to Europe a few times in our life,  we knew what a long flight was all about… or so we thought.  Spread out over three legs the total time in the air was to round out to about 23 hours.   The longest stretch being 15 hours!


Having read dozens of advice columns on how to survive a long flight, we were prepared.  Compression socks, face masks,  noise canceling headphones?  Check,  check and check.   Fasting to help prevent jet lag, avoiding airline food, and changing eating and sleeping habits to match destination time zone?  Well, we weren’t as diligent with that.  Airline food IS a guilty pleasure of mine.  All said, it does seem as though we were relatively successful in minimizing the negative effects of such a long day of travel.



Over the past year of planning, I had looked upon the flights in two different ways:  panic and dread,  and adventurous challenge.   In the end, it was simply about grinding out the hours watching television programs,  eating,  and cat napping.




The route from Dallas to Seoul, Korea took us north over British Columbia and Alaska.  Beth caught a few pics of Alaska on the way by.

We’d arrived 30 minutes late in Korea, which cut our layover down to less than an hour; not enough time to tour the airport.  From what I’ve heard, Incheon International Airport is one of the nicest airports in the world.


Five and half hours later, we’d finally reached our destination of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  Near exhaustion, but we had survived with all of the enthusiasm for the the continuing adventure.  Tomorrow is going to be a good day!




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Another Ordinary Weekend in Detroit – Right?


One of our favorite things to do on the weekends is to venture downtown (Detroit) for some urban foraging and exploration.   Over the past few years, the downtown areas have benefited greatly from the influx of new money and investors.  Simply on the basis of esthetics, I have never seen the city look so good.

This weekend presented a particularly good opportunity to head down.   We had received a “comped” room from a friend at the Motor City Casino Hotel.  Although gambling isn’t really our thing,  we do enjoy the accommodations at the hotel.


Now I can honestly say that we knew what we were in for, as this particular weekend coincided with the annual Youmacon convention.  What is Youmacon?  I can best describe it as Comicon, but for the anime crowd.  Here is a link, if you really wanted to know more about it.

Thousands of kids between the ages 12 and 50 descend upon the city; many engage in cosplay  (costume play) with some incredibly well made costumes.













The three day convention holds different events at the Renaissance Center and Cobb Hall which pretty much creates a steady flow of “characters” walking between the two venues.





The People Mover also gets overrun.



We met up with my sister in Greektown for some sushi.  (yeah, I know… sushi isn’t Greek, but they’ve got some pretty decent rolls at Fishbone’s)


Free hugs?


Ending a pretty cool weekend in the D with a couple of my favorites, huevos rancheros and chiliquillas for breakfast!  Evie’s Tamales in Mexican Town have some of the best you’ll find.

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Autumn Color Flight — Northern Michigan


One of the many great things about living in Michigan is getting to watch the trees change into their fall colors.  Last Saturday, we found perfect weather and the opportunity to observe the annual transformation from the sky.  It was a gorgeously sunny October afternoon with a slight chill in the air.  It was a bit windy which made the ride a little more turbulent than I would prefer, but not too bad.

As we lifted off from Runway 22 in Marine City it quickly became evident that we were a few weeks early for the peak color change in lower Michigan.  The landscape was mostly green, but we were able to find a few bright patches of trees that were beginning to change.  We needed to fly north, the colors would be more abundant  there.


Trying to get more comfortable flying in such a small plane, I took the controls from Chris as we flew toward Saginaw Bay.  Flying straight and level is a little more challenging than you would think.


The colors were starting to pop as we worked our way to Houghton Lake airport.



We walked about  half a mile down the road to the Spikehorn Restaurant for a quick lunch.


As we took off from Houghton Lake , the colors were so much more beautiful and abundant.


The Ausable River was our guide to lead us across the terrain through the Huron National Forest toward Lake Huron.





A total of six dams are located along the river generating hydroelectric power and creating large “ponds” which are used for fishing and other outdoor sporting activities.  This dam is called Five Channels Dam.







Just for fun, Chris did a touch-and-go at the Wiertsmith Airforce Base,  an old military base that had significant importance to the region during the Cold War era.  Currently it is used to salvage large commercial planes and also houses a museum.


As the hours grew long and the sun started to set we headed south toward home over Tawas Bay.  Although a week or two early for peak color change season, we still enjoyed a very wonderful fall day in Michigan.

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Put-in-Bay Day Trip


Since earning my private pilot license,  I have longed for unusual (and convenient) destinations to fly into.  Sure the act of piloting a small plane and looking out the window is enjoyable, but what really gets me excited is the mission to make a destination and the journey that it entails.  Put-in-Bay is the perfect destination for short day trip  in search of food and fun.  Although a bit more pricey than the term “hundred dollar hamburger”, the Lake Erie island  is a relatively affordable  destination.  In less than an hour after takeoff, you land on a small piece off paradise that completely takes you out of the ordinary.


Yesterday, was nearly a perfect day for an early fall flight with my good friend, Heather.  Although bit breezy, the sun provided enough warmth to make the illusion  that summertime was still here.


A short golf cart ride to The Keys, Put-in-Bay for some tropical fare that transports you to almost any island destination that you want to imagine.


Grouper Rueben, Chicken Oscar, piña colada, and ginger beer were the choices of the day.

Having gotten the priorities out of the way, it was time to do a little exploring on the way back to the airport.  I heard that Heather was a fan of geodes…




A visit to the Crystal Cave at Heienman’s Winery was our next stop.  Here you can go down INTO and explore what they call “the world’s largest” geode.


Following a quick pre-flight inspection of the plane, we were off and heading north over Lake Erie.  Sunsets at 6,500 feet are almost always more spectacular than what can be caught in a photograph.


Because of the rapidly fading daylight, we extended our return leg past Marine City to capture some of the beauty from the lights of Port Huron and the St. Clair River.


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