
The Sun is Just another Star

St Petes Beach is known to have some spectacular sunsets.  We caught this on in November, 2014 on a Sunset and Dolphin Cruise.  Although not the best shot on the roll, I like how the camera depicts the sun as a star.

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Cambodia – Day 0.

Our long anticipated day had finally arrived.   What had seemed so far in the future was now upon us.


Let the adventure begin!


Having been to Europe a few times in our life,  we knew what a long flight was all about… or so we thought.  Spread out over three legs the total time in the air was to round out to about 23 hours.   The longest stretch being 15 hours!


Having read dozens of advice columns on how to survive a long flight, we were prepared.  Compression socks, face masks,  noise canceling headphones?  Check,  check and check.   Fasting to help prevent jet lag, avoiding airline food, and changing eating and sleeping habits to match destination time zone?  Well, we weren’t as diligent with that.  Airline food IS a guilty pleasure of mine.  All said, it does seem as though we were relatively successful in minimizing the negative effects of such a long day of travel.



Over the past year of planning, I had looked upon the flights in two different ways:  panic and dread,  and adventurous challenge.   In the end, it was simply about grinding out the hours watching television programs,  eating,  and cat napping.




The route from Dallas to Seoul, Korea took us north over British Columbia and Alaska.  Beth caught a few pics of Alaska on the way by.

We’d arrived 30 minutes late in Korea, which cut our layover down to less than an hour; not enough time to tour the airport.  From what I’ve heard, Incheon International Airport is one of the nicest airports in the world.


Five and half hours later, we’d finally reached our destination of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  Near exhaustion, but we had survived with all of the enthusiasm for the the continuing adventure.  Tomorrow is going to be a good day!




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